Huge Controller Lot!

I purchased a bundle of random controllers this past week and I’ve finally been able to get them sorted. I was hopeful that more of these gamepads would be in good condition. Many, many of the analog sticks are damaged from slightly to severely. Also, holy cow, there is a lot of grime on these controllers. I think I could put together a whole Dorito chip. The bundle is pretty well split between various Xbox and PlayStation controllers, with a few Nintendo thrown in.

I’m still going through to see what to keep and what to scrap. There are 4 I like a lot. This blue Xbox Controller S, a Mad Catz Nintendo 64 controller, High Frequency Genesis 6 button controller, and Call of Duty Xbox 360 controller. The call of duty controller is like a preview of the Xbox One Elite controller with two programmable buttons on the back.

On the other hand, how do analog sticks get so damaged? I’ve done some bad things to a controller but never this.

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